Inside all of us is adventure!

I'm a 20-year old gal who wishes to be an astronomer and a jungle explorer. A sucker for vintage finds and lovely lights. An advocate of good vibes and rocking music.




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Guess who watched Mean Girls for the first time. :...
It’s heartwarming to read something like this from...
Season-ender: On being an Academon
We are never alone. :)
Yesterday started bad and it ended worse.
My kids? What? :))
Happiness is a choice.


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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jungle explorer for a day! Well.. Almost.

Yesterday, I got to wander again in the best 7.5 zoo I've seen in my whole life. Two years have past since my last visit and guess what? The place appeals to me just the same. I'm still in love with it!

Avilon Zoo is one of the best places an animal lover can go to. My enthusiasm on seeing the animals they house cannot be described bu this entry. It's just priceless!

Of course, in events like this, a camera is always handy. I had a momentary devastation to discover that my camera only had one bar left. But hello? NO ONE'S STOPPING ME FROM TAKING PICTURES!

Well, except for the three sections of the zoo: reptiles, rodents and small primates. But, surely, that didn't prevent me from enjoying my visit. Here are some of the photos I've taken. I hope these give you a glimpse of the fun I had there.

Donkey from Shrek!

Yes, that's his "home."


Jenny and Jack(ass)!



You may not see it but there's a 62-year old turtle under the water.

This school's not open yet. But I bet it would be amazing to study here!

Sleeping foxes! But don't be fooled. They have big ears sensitive enough to feel your presence.

One proud bird!

Joey, the bored orangutan.

Pooh! Only darker. Hrhrhr.

This was one of the interesting birds I saw. They call this the bleeding heart pigeon.

Wild dogs!

An ostrich about to eat his poop!

Yes, he was approaching me!

There's a heart-shaped leaf!

Stuff from the souvenir shop.

My sister, Mom and Me.

My sister and I flaunting the masks we bought from the souvenir shop.

I could've taken more photos. I swear there's a whole lot more than this! But nonetheless, this counts as one of the best days ever!