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Saturday, June 26, 2010


I hope I don't freak people out by posting something anchored on the academe. (Anyway,) You can just ignore this post if you don't feel like reading anything school-related. :)

Lately, I've been spending much time in the library, pondering on random books on how it might help with my thesis. I know I was working on a thesis but I don't what exactly in that thesis was I working on.
It was really hard for me to pull off whatever I was trying to pull off specially I was told that what I was dealing with was a pioneering study. My study being labelled as such pressures me. On the side note, I felt like I was doing something worthwhile. But then, the globe shifted and I realized I was not up for the challenge. I had to move around on something I was more familiar with, something closer to my heart. After all, working on something in that scope is still worthwhile. <3

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